“Tokyo Streets” exhibition


The street photography exhibition “Tokyo Streets” presents the work of three outstanding street photographers: Tatsuo Suzuki, Tadashi Onishi and Mitja Kobal, who show us TOKYO in body and soul. Through their eyes and photos, we visit Tokyo, heart of the most metropolitan area in the world. Like few others, they are mastering the genre of street photography and invite the viewer to get lost in the streets of Japans capital.

After the great success in Quito and Cairo we are preparing to bring the streets of Tokyo to Europe. Whatch out for a city close to you. Berlin, Marseille and Vienna will be the first stops.

As a late christmas present we put the catalogue on our blog for download here: CATALOGUE TOKYO STREETS

high quality prints can be ordered for 35 USD (excl. shipping – delivery in Latin America, North Africa and Europe)


ONE year – bluestreets

2015 has been a year of expansion. bluestreets.org went online in January 2015 with three photographers; only a year later we have created a global platform on which more than 150 outstanding photographers present street photography from over 300 cities in the world.

bluestreets was born from our passion, as self-taught photographers with a strong desire to explore and portrait cities and its people. we truly believe that street-photography can teach us about life as it explores the human interaction in urban environments. bluestreets invites the viewer to travel around the world through the eyes and lenses of our photographers from a true street perspective.

we bring street-photography into galleries and connect our artists to buyers from around the world. the best work of bluestreets.org is curated by our team and sold through bluestreets in a fair partnership with the artists. by increasing the number of prints, we make photography more affordable and accessible to a wider audience.

In 2015 bluestreets started with two exhibitions and sold limited or numbered prints of 15 photographers:

Tokyo Streets” that presented the work of three outstanding photographers Tatsuo Suzuki, Tadashi Onishi and Mitja Kobal from the biggest metropolitan area in the world, Tokyo. the exhibition was shown in Quito (Ecuador) and Cairo (Egypt) and is about to come to Europe beginning of 2016.

La Vuelta Al Mundo” (A Journey Around The World) presented street photography from 13 artists and cities and kicked-off in Quito in December 2015.

2016 waits already with many interesting developments and opportunities. Soon we will launch the bluestreets online shop that will deliver limited edition prints worldwide. we will also open the first bluestreets gallery in Marseille, France. our aim is to have a bluestreets gallery the urban hubs of Latin America, Europe and North Africa. we are also excited about many strategic partnerships with galleries and media agencies.

with our community of artists and partnerships with galleries in several cities around the world, we are working on expanding our network in 2016.

join us to create something big together.

Jakob von Fircks                     Roberto Arroyo

bluestreets is hiring

our team is growing and we are looking for a social media expert. if you are interested, please contact us at contact@bluestreets.org

Welcome to the Bluestreets Blog

As you might have noticed, we have been updating our site quite a bit! This blog is one of our newest features and additions to the site. Here we will provide updates on artist, cities, series, things we like, and much more.